Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas - Phase 1

Christmas Eve morning we decided to give Dylan one of his gifts early.  It wasn't wrapped, and the only reason we decided to give it to him early was because Russell was working on it in front of him.  No, Dylan would have had no idea it was for him....but Russell was excited to give it to him and Dylan had enough gifts to open anyways.  The gift was Russell's old iPod, well...that and a dock to play the music in his room.  Russell had been working all morning on putting a playlist for Dylan on the old iPod (one for fun tunes and one for bedtime music). 

Once Blake was old enough we moved Dylan's CD player in his room to play classical music at night to sleep to.  We didn't think Dylan would really fact we didn't think he even cared about the music. Much to our surprise, Dylan started asking almost every night for it to be moved back into his room!  So we decided to get him a new player for his room so he could listen to his music at night.

After Russell finished the iPod he hooked up Dylan's headphones to it and had him put the iPod in his pocket.  Dylan thought he was the coolest! He tucked that iPod in his back pocket and strutted around the house with his headphones on.  He kept yelling at us "Hey guys! Dance!" We had no idea which song was on...yet we obliged. ;)  Then once we hooked it up to the iPod player in his room it was a full on dance party in his room.  
(He was pulling out moves we've never seen!)

Then we headed over to Russell's family's house for Christmas eve.  Dylan was counting down the minutes until he was able to open presents.

(Enjoying opening presents)

(Blake wasn't as thrilled...he just wanted his bottle...but he's super cute in his Christmas PJ's!)

(Dylan loving his Christmas PJ's..Spiderman)

(Really getting into the Spiderman PJ's!)

(Opening presents Christmas morning)

 (Opening up Bucky)

(And my favorite of all the Christmas pictures...)

Merry Christmas!  Phase 2 starts tomorrow night!

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