Saturday, December 7, 2013

Buddy's Back! ...And so is blogging!

Well, it's been way, way, way too long since my last post...but recent events have given me cause to get back on the blogging bandwagen.  There have been major turns of events in my life recently that have given cause to my lack of blogging, however, one big reason I'm back is that Buddy is back!!  Buddy made his well anticipated return a few days ago.  His return was met with much excitement!

Buddy returned on the day after the boys & I returned from Kansas for Thanksgiving break.  He made himself a marshmallow sign letting the boys know he was back in town and returning the book for it's nightly reading.  Dylan was beyond thrilled (as he's been talking about Buddy for days) and Blake was just excited because Dylan was so excited.

 The second night Buddy returned and apparently had a great time making snowmen out of marshmallow's and having a snowball fight with some smaller marshmallows with the snowmen themselves in the pantry.  Dylan was so excited all day long telling me probably 100 times that "I love Buddy!! He's my favorite!" and using his manners non-stop.  I can get used to this!  He kept the pantry door open for Buddy to watch him eat his entire dinner without complaining, just so Buddy could report the good news to Santa.

The following night buddy decided to replace all the stockings on the mantel with some of Dylan's underwear.  He was found swinging in one pair of Dylan's underwear.  Dylan & Blake both absolutely loved this trick of Buddy's.

The next night Buddy was entertained by some of Dylan's cars that he loves.  He made a makeshift racetrack and was found in the morning racing the cars around the racetrack.

Then Buddy had a great time with Spiderman playing the Cars2 match game.  Buddy was ahead 3-1.  However, when Dylan saw the game, he just couldn't resist himself.  He tried to play for Buddy & Spiderman, in an attempt to make Buddy win the game.  In his pursuit, he accidentally knocked Buddy over causing Buddy to land on his head.  If you know anything about Elf on the Shelf, you know that the Elf absolutely cannot be touched.  Dylan was sad he touched him.  The next morning, 
Buddy was a little sick.  With a note telling Dylan & Blake to remember to not touch him.  If he is touched he loses his magic and he becomes weak & sick.  Poor Buddy spent the entire day wrapped up in his blanket & pillow.  Hopefully he will regain some strength for tomorrow.

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