Thursday, December 19, 2013

Another Buddy Update

Buddy decided to make a nice mess and make snow angels in the kitchen.

He apparently flew in from the chimney and left footprints for us to discover.

The following day happened to be my birthday.  I had already decided that we would be stealing an idea my sister's elf had done..."bow the house"...the ENTIRE, and I mean ENTIRE house was covered in bows.  Everywhere you could imagine had a bow on it...the center of all the bows landed on one place...around Buddy in his chair.  He, himself, covered in bows...we are still finding bows everywhere...

The morning of my birthday, Dylan woke up to the bows and said Buddy must have done it for my birthday....but of course!....I'd actually never thought of it, but it sounded great!  After some birthday events, Dylan worked on his second loose tooth and in a matter of about 2 minutes, pulled that tooth out! I was so proud of him!  It wasn't even close to coming out, but he was brave and decided he wanted it out.  Out came the tooth!  

That night was a busy night...we had Buddy the Elf heading off to see Santa, as well as the Tooth Fairy coming for a visit!  Apparently, Buddy and the Tooth Fairy ran into each other in passing.  We woke to an enormous pile of glitter by the front door, along with a staggering trail of glitter, numerous items flipped upside down, turned sideways, etc, along with a note from Buddy explaining the situation.  It stated "Dylan, Sorry for everything being all messed up. I ran into the Tooth Fairy as she was leaving and we bumped heads.  I am so dizzy!"  A glittery mess and items jumbled galore was what we woke up to.

The next night Buddy and Captain America decided to have a little fun.

Buddy made a fort to hide out in while he & Captain America had a marshmallow fight!

Then Buddy decided to pose next to Dylan & Blake's new picture with Santa and go fishing for Goldfish. 
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